[Philosophy] SADness and the Click

It’s been only five days since my last session and already I’m craving another. And that’s not entirely normal, although I do get periods when the femm urges are almost impossible to ignore. Normally in the period between sessions I go through the wave, which I’ve talked about before; the high of just having done… Continue reading [Philosophy] SADness and the Click

[Fashion] T’is the season to be Julie, fa la la la la, fa lah lah lah!

Ah, the afterglow of yet another session. Today finds me stuck in the office until 21:00, babysitting someone else’s meeting, my mind still whirring from a gorgeously wonderful session yesterday with the sublime Cindy at Boys will be Girls, ten hours of frockage and fun, followed by a late night in the hotel room greedily… Continue reading [Fashion] T’is the season to be Julie, fa la la la la, fa lah lah lah!