[Philosophy] The Perils of Being a T-Feminist

Stop the presses! I need to share something deep and shocking…. I am not a cross-dresser. Bear with me, it’s not that radical a statement. I hate the term ‘cross-dresser’, it sounds like a angry wardrobe lady. It’s one of those phrases that has been created by a man to describe something he doesn’t understand.… Continue reading [Philosophy] The Perils of Being a T-Feminist

[Philosophy] The New Year Blues. With white polkadots. And maybe a hair-bow.

I was going to do a gushing, femm-tastic review of 2016 until I remembered that other than Sarah coming to life in her retro-glam way, 2016 pretty much sucked donkeys. And then I also realised that New Year always gives me the blues, regardless of how in touch I am with my oestrogen (according to… Continue reading [Philosophy] The New Year Blues. With white polkadots. And maybe a hair-bow.